Sunday, April 26, 2020

Living under seize of Corona -Janta Curfew

Corona outbreak all over the world has brought the lives of homo sapiens to a stand still. Every where there is a fear which has engulfed  every thing. Side by side there are people who believe that they won't get affected with it whereas there are people who got terrified the moment one touches their face. The scare of Corona, which has been named Covid19, is seen to be believed.

So many theories rather rumours are circling the air. Some say Chinese in Wuhan got infected from bat soup. Some say it was leaked in August 2019 from the warfare lab of USA and few officers who were carriers of this virus visited China which resulted in transmission of virus in Chinese. Whatever are the facts behind this emergence of Covid 19, but one thing is for sure that Covid19 has engulfed the planet earth strongly.

China initially hide this news from the world as reports say. After China, Italy is the most affected.  There were videos where Italians were seen giving hug to Chinese as a mark of affection towards Chinese after the spread of Corona. This hug diplomacy saw many deaths as the virus settled in those generous Italians.

Later on lockdown was announced in Italy, initially Italians celebrated the lockdown as a mass holiday and went out for picnics but later on when they locked themselves in their houses, they came out with brilliant ideas to beat the blues of lockdown. They start singing from their houses. When I  came to know about this novel idea to beat the blues of lockdown after the spread of novel Corona, talked to a friend who is settled in Rome. He responded affirmatively and also told that every city of Italy have their turns. When I talked to this friend it was Saturday and he informed that it was the turn of Rome.  Saw few videos on you tube and it was really amazing to see such innovative ideas.

The videos on social media shows that Spain had also adopted the same. In the videos we saw people using their utensils if they don't find any instrument.

In our country, few cases were reported which were increasing with every day. In view of this, our  honourable PM requested the country men to observe Lockdown for one day from 7AM to 9PM. All the residents had to confine themselves in their homes and no movement on roads was allowed.  People had to maintain social distancing for these few hours. He had also requested to thank all the workers, doctors, delivery boys etc. who are providing services, at five o'clock in the evening on 22nd March 2020 during one day lock down, by clapping or beating  utensils.

It was named Janta Curfew,  means Curfew willfully imposed by the citizens of this country upon themselves.

We received emails on our official email addresses for Janta Curfew oath which was mailed to us. We were advised to take an oath in solidarity to the Janta Curfew. Before that few formalities were to be completed and after filling the  proforma which was mailed to us an electronic certificate is issued. I also took the oath but the certificate is not available with me right now.

Indians who are known for melodramas, have faithfully over do this Janta Curfew. So much so that WhatsApp was flooded with messages that the date of 22nd March and time of 5.00 PM chosen by the Most Hon'ble Prime Minister, is very scientific and auspicious.  If at this time 130 crores of Indians clap together, it will create so much vibration that THE CORONA WILL VANISH AWAY AUTOMATICALLY.  🤯 And Indians faithfully believed this message and obeyed the Janta Curfew with so much fan fare that it appears that Covid 19 is actually a festival which is to be celebrated with enthusiasm.

In the society I mean the  colony I resides also celebrated this festival and of course I also joined and clapped only. The faithful Indians in our society have brought their utensils at sharp 5.00 PM and started beating . Our RWA arranged for the mighty loudspeakers which were connected to somebody's mobile phone.  Through that mobile a soundtrack with the sounds of temple bells and seashell was played at full volume.  This soundtrack was in circulation in the corridors of WhatsApp University with a request to play it on 22nd March 2020. This tamasha went on for 15 minutes.

Later on, we received number of pictures and videos where Indians have faithfully shown their exemplary talent and enthusiasm with which they celebrated this new imported festival Covid19. Here I am sharing pictures from the library and notice boards of WhatsApp University 👇👇

 Here in the above picture somebody had added an interesting caption with a request "Now tell us Modiji what else is to be done now".

The following picture has more interesting caption, GO CORONA GO.
As if Corona entered India with their permission and now will go with their directions.🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

These pictures have brought out the tremendous  abilities of Indians, their mental state, their understanding of the situation as well as the understanding of appeal by their favourite leader.

Once I read an article in one of the magazine's where it was said that an American tourist while writing his memoirs of his holidays in India had mentioned that every Indian is a doctor.  He said in his article that moment you mention the disease in front of an Indian he will come out with a name of a medicine and with full confidence he will suggest you to take the medicine prescribed by him. Same is seen during this period of corona era.

Over the period we have seen that people have developed interest in things like cow dung and cow urine which have been interpreted as the most efficient ingredient not only for organic farming but also for cure in several diseases. Therefore, consumption of cow urine is seen as the major cure against Covid 19.  Here in the following picture which is actually a newspaper clipping and received from the library of WhatsApp University, cow urine is being consumed for tackling Covid19. It is yet to be proved by any of the laboratories but what is the harm in trying. 

Following video clippings are the celebration of SOCIAL DISTANCING during Janta Curfew by the WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA. They came out on roads at sharp 5:00 PM with the tricolour, bells because Hon'ble PM had said to thank all the warriors like health workers, delivery boys, doctors etc. So showing their solidarity for all these as well as for the Hon'ble PM, they missed the word balcony and came out on roads in large numbers.  Since most of these live in closed houses and dingy lanes therefore for them the roads serve the purpose of balcony.

This large procession is in one of the largest States our country and is ruled by a person who is being seen as THE BEST CHIEF MINISTER.  People are shouting slogans for the country.

None of these are being seen as thanking the frontline warriors in this Corona Era.  Are they sure that they had understood what was expected of them. 

This one is hilarious, here this lady had brought her two most significant utensils and beaten them with full vigour and dedication.

More so, a very famous bollywood hero whom his wife calls Einstein, gathered a huge crowd at Juhu beach and was beating a school bell.  Einstein must be turning in his grave. 

In one of the videos, which sadly is not available with me, a girl was seen beating her plate and shouting GO CORONA GO GO CORONA GO.