Monday, April 13, 2020

Our Health Service vs Our Respect for Life

            One of my friends  decided to stay single so that she can take care of her mother. My friend is in Government Service therefore she is a beneficiary of Central Government Health Service (CGHS), for which she is paying every month a sum of an amount. Since, her mother is dependent on her because she has no income of her own, therefore, as per the prevalent rules, her mother is also a beneficiary of  CGHS facility. 

        The CGHS has empaneled many private hospitals to facilitate the beneficiaries so that the burden on government hospitals can be reduced. The CGHS beneficiaries can access to these private hospitals with a prior permission of the Chief Medical Officer of the CGHS Dispensary which are now called Wellness Centres.  

          Her mother is in her late 70s and has developed a very weak immune system,  therefore she requires supplements frequently.  My friend took her mother to a Private Hospital which is empaneled by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare under the CGHS and she took a proper permission from the Chief Medical Officer of the Wellness Centre of the area she resides.😌

                The Private Hospital, after examining her mother, prescribed a Calcium which normally our CGHS wellness centers do not prescribe. These wellness centres prescribe only common medicines such as Shellcal or Gemcal. As the common Shellcal or Gemcal etc. had no effects on her mother. Now, her ordeal to get the medicine from the Wellness Centre, starts.😕😕

        When she approached the the CMO of Wellness Centre of her area, the CMO refused to issue the medicine prescribed by the private hospital which she had visited with the prior permission of the Chief Medical Officer. (This is a common practice, normally we don't get medicines prescribed by the Private hospitals, we are either issued the substitutes or we are asked to get the name changed of the medicine.) Some the medicines  were costly, therefore the Chief Medical Officer  suggested her to go the headquarters of  CGHS for recommendation.

            She sent her nephew to the headquarters as she had some important assignments at her office. But, this boy shuttled like a shuttle cock between various counters one after another without any result, whole day. He got so much frustrated because he had taken leave from his college.🥴🥴

       Later on, my friend  took the challenge to get the recommendation for the medicine. Again she was subjected to the mental as well as physical torture. She was also directed to contact the other counters. Somehow, she managed to get to reach the Head of Department.  The Head of Department told her that recommendation is very much in the domain of the Chief Medical Officer of the Wellness Centre. Why she had come here. My friend told him vehemently that it was the Chief Medical Officer who refused to issue the medicine and asked her to come to the Headquarters. 😞😖

       Initially, the Head of Department also refused to recommend the medicine. She then argued with the Head of Department and told him that she approached the empaneled private hospital with the prior approval of the Chief Medical Officer.🥵🥶

          After, 15 minutes of arguments with the Head of Department, she was recommended the prescribed medicine.

        This is the way our Health Services function.  If this is happening with the educated and privileged class then we can very well imagine the plight of uneducated and under privileged class.😠😡

      Sadly, there is no respect for life in our country.😓😥😢😰