Friday, June 3, 2011

Thiksey Monastry in Leh

Thiksey Monstry in Leh

A beautiful Monastry in Leh in the style of Tibetan Style rather it is Tibetan Monastry. 

This monastry is a 12 storey complex and is built on a hill.

This is the interior of  prayer Hall beautifuly decorated.

The kids in the monastry responded emphatically - No photo- when I tried to take the picture of one of the bubbly kids.  They had a school beneath the prayer hall. 

This is a view of Thiksey village from the Monastry.

This is a door to the library. An instruction written on the left side of the door

There must be a fixed time for the library, but I had no patience. 
 I found one of the windows open, so I sneaked my camera and took the pictures of the interiors of the library. 
Old books related to Buddhism are stacked here
 wrapped in bright colours.

Buddha as well as Buddhism always facinated me.  Before leaving for Leh, I had this thought of converting to Buddhism. But after visiting these monastries, I reverted back.  I do not understand why these monastries are so depressingly dark.  Buddha and Buddhism were born here but I did not find the traces of Indian Buddhims or Buddha in this part of India.  I could not understand this way of worshipping in darkness. 

Otherwise, I found Leh very beautiful. 
It is full of colours but I found the life dull.