Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nahargarh Fort

 Nahargarh Fort standing magnificently at the
 Aravali range in Jaipur. 
At the edge of a lonely ridge 


This is the entrance to Naumahala (Nine apartments)
built for the  nine queens of the Maharaja. 
These are just nine rooms and they call it Mahal.

It is a beautiful structure with narrow and long corridors
and yes small windows


Blue sky and clouds mesmerizing the beauty of the domes.
A tower in the backdrop gives a glimpse of developments
going around the Fort.
A shadow of a cloud on the hills in the backdrop gives the impression of a Bat.


 Domes adorning the jaipur City

A room in the Hotel in the adjacent fort, I am forgetting the name must be Mahender Pratap Fort

A view of Jaipur city. surrounded by Aravalli Hills. 
i think in one of my previous births
 i was born in one of these palaces and forts.
i feel as if i belong to Rajasthan